Monday, November 20, 2006

4th Year Students

This is a picture of all of the 4th year students that will be graduating on Dec. 9th. Pray with us that God will direct them in their different ministries that they have been studying so hard for.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Student of the week

Julie is a Senior and she is graduating in December. She has spent her last 4 years studying alot of Theology and also English. She is wanting to use her English that she has worked so hard at learning to be a Translater and to Teach children. Let's pray with her that God will open the right doors for her and she will be able to use her abilities for the Lord.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Christmas in November

The first year students put on a Birthday party for all of the students that have had a Birthday in the last 3 months. The theme was Christmas. We had a great time with the students.

Blake at "Ji Jit Su"

Spring Fiesta at Keri's School

Saturday, September 23, 2006

After Church in the Amazon

I just got back from a trip over 40 hours into the Amazon by boat. It was a great experience and I got to practice my Portuguese on the kids. I also got to visit some churches that are being built and some that are finished and full of people.

Children in a Church Service

Boy in the Amazon

New Church being built in the Amazon

Finished Church in Amazon

Monday, July 31, 2006

A little fun in Rio

Ryan, Nathan, & Blake decided to get their feet wet on Copacobana Beach in Rio De Janeiro.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Back to work

The men do all of the dishes at the Women's Conference. While the ladies have all the fun.

July 4th in Brazil

Yes, we found fireworks in Brazil. We had a great time shooting fireworks even though we were the only ones in Pinda celebrating July 4th.

Helping Dad at the office

Blake & Keri are working on booklets for the Women's Conference. I couldn't have done it without their help.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Our next door neighbors

This is a dirt road that goes in front of a row of small houses that are next door to our apartment. Pray that God will give us favor with our neighbors and the community as we try to communicate with them and show them Jesus.